Shabbat Shalom

View all the past issues of our twice yearly newsletter Shabbat Shalom, starting with the latest issues.

Etz Chaim’s award-winning magazine, Shabbat Shalom, appears twice a year at Pesach and Rosh Hashanah.

It contains features looking back over the previous six months, and relevant stories that look ahead. Together with other items of Jewish interest, including, the occasional competition with great prizes. It makes for an interesting mix and a great read!

Shabbat Shalom is a publication for all the members of Etz Chaim, and we encourage congregants to contribute photos, news and features. Simply, e-mail your contribution to the office and these will be forwarded to editor Anthony Green. 

Shabbat Shalom has certainly grown in stature since it first made an appearance as a 4-pager early in 2005. It’s now a much-admired glossy, and was twice named ‘Shul Newsletter of The Year’ in competitions organised by The Jewish Chronicle and the Board of Deputies of British Jews. 

And if you’ve missed an edition, don’t fret – all the previous issues are available to read on this website…

View the latest edition of Shabbat Shalom, published in October 2024